She's either wildly naive or dangerously intelligent

Tse Moonchaser

I am not violent;
I am not malicious;
I am a result.

A grin as sharp as a dagger.

Being a self-taught, but highly adept marksman, you might've heard word of the one-eyed, albeit sharp-eyed archer.

She's so small that you could lose her among the tall grass. Using this, among other skills, she is very good at subterfuge.

There is a method to the madness of the fiery red mop that is her hair; equal parts wild, but refined.

You notice the lil catte not being able to articulate herself, getting rather frustrated.

Dark aetheric scar over milky right eye with a moonglow aether signature; luminous forest green eye; scar over left cheek

Presumed dead; is that a ghost you see, or just a memory?

I'm not afraid of the darkest forest, because I am absolutely certain in the depths of my soul that the most terrifying thing in the forest--is me.

This site is still a WIP. It will be changed, and added to so check back frequently! I will most likely put that it's been edited in my search info. Thank you for your interest.

I'm an easy-going person, I like to communicate well with those I RP with and usually I am laid back to do whatever the other might want. I will most definitely offer my opinion when needed. All, if not most, RP is welcome within a healthy balance.

Do not hesitate to whisper me about IC, OOC, or even ask for my Discord.


Tse Moonchaser
Race & Age
Miqo’te, 21-something
Distinctive Physical traits (eyes, hair, marks, etc.):
Dark aetheric scar over milky right eye with a moonglow aether signature; luminous forest green eye; scar over left cheek; There is a method to the madness of the fiery red mop that is her hair; equal parts wild, but refined.


Current and past profession(s)
Hunter, tracker, marksman, currently putting hunting skills to use by using the parts of animals and materials gathered from mining and botany in weaving, leatherworking, smithing, and cooking.

[OOC Note: Since Tse was only half raised she is only half-learned, but is a very quick learner, and mimics what she observes from others. She cannot/doesn’t say i, because of PTSD reasonings.]

Likes and/or dislikes
Don’t like alcohol.. Can see others enjoying it on occasion but too many abuse it. Hate deep waters, not go to Limsa much. Nobody likes a liar, a cheat, or someone who is gonna sleep around. Not fond of those who think being rude is a personality trait, either.

Mmn.. like forest, since grew up there. Hot springs and hot tubs are nice. Food, love love food. People who are compassionate; like to listen to them talk about what they love.. always makes me smile.

Brief Background/Experience and skills
Left tribe with Brother at young age-- at age the boys are to leave on their own. He my twin, didn’t want him to leave. Went okay for months, then something bad happened and he died. Left all alone to fend for self, is why am good with bow and daggers. Long-ear family find me, take me in and tell me can use skills to help their small restaurant and also sell my stuff to others. Like helping people, started to take small jobs here and there. Met my mate--Mai while helping another free company and we help others together.

Experience specifically in the field of magicks
Mai and another lady say have weird aether, Mai has been helping me learn and use my aether with my arrows and such; says have potential. So been working hard lately, because want to help mate with research.

Motivations to join the Aetherwatch Society
Finding a family-- a community that has the like minds as us to help others, and especially each other.
How well do you work with teammates? Pretty well even if can be quiet sometimes, only speak when spoken to or something needed said.

OOC // The Player

Tell us a little bit about yourself and gaming background
I have been gaming for over 20 years as well as roleplaying. From games such as Resident Evil on console to mainly PC games from Warcraft to DayZ Mod.

Have you ever been in a Medium RP FC before?
When I first joined FF a few months ago I was recruited ICly by Umbral Ravens which seemed like a nice fit. Unfortunately I had to change my character to see any roleplay, which I did not like. They are nice people, but they weren't able to provide what I wanted and needed in terms of RP.

I have owned and admin/moderated several RP and Non-RP guilds and clans over all the games I've played.

Do you have experience in writing and running plotlines?
Yes, all though I would rather play the plotline. I do not mind helping with them at all. I love to create storylines which involve world building, characters, and lore.

Will this character be your Main or a Secondary Character?
Main character.

Have you read through our Policies and agree to abide by them? (Y/N)

How do we contact you? (Game, Discord Info)?
Discord: Elegance || Tse#3772